Category Archives: Geography

18 Significance of vulcanicity to human activities

18 Significance of Vulcanicity to human activities, compiled here. Vulcanicity is the process through which solid, liquid, or gaseous materials are forced into the earth’s crust or onto the earth’s surface due to high temperature and pressure. Before digging into the 18 significance of vulcanicity to human activities, let’s look at the causes of vulcanicity.

18 significance of vulcanicity to human activities
Image from Google.

Causes of vulcanicity

Faulting it creates cracks or fissures which allows the movement of materials under high pressure and temperature.

High temperature it causes solid rocks to change into molten materials.

High interior pressure– it is released during the process of earth movements. Water coming into contact with hot materials beneath hence it turns into gaseous form.

Earth movements/ plate movements the crust is weakened hence giving way to magma.

The above are some of the causes of vulcanicity. We can now look at the 18 significance of vulcanicity below. Let’s begin with the positive significance of vulcanicity.

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Positive significance of vulcanicity

  1. The features resulting from volcanic process like volcanic plug, geysers, volcanoes, and more. They offer scenic beauty which attracts tourist hence earning the country foreign exchange.
  2. Vulcanicity can lead to production of geysers and hot springs which can be harnessed to produce geothermal power. The power can be used in both domestic and industrial purposes.
  3. Vulcanicity leads to rock metamorphism hence producing valuable minerals for mining.
  4. When volcanic rocks undergoes weathering process, it may produce fertile volcanic soils which can be used in farming. For example, tea, horticulture, coffee and more.
  5. Volcanic rocks like phonolites are valuable raw materials for building and construction.
  6. The windward side of volcanic mountain receives heavy orographic rainfall. Therefore, it encourages settlement as well as farming.
  7. Volcanic lakes are sources of fish. Therefore, they act as sources of food/fish. It’s absolutely one of the 18 significance of vulcanicity.
  8. Some mountains formed from vulcanicity are forested and ice capped. For example, Mt Kenya forming catchment areas for rivers. Therefore providing water for industrial, agricultural, and domestic purposes.
Volcanic process forming features

Negative significance of vulcanicity

In our list of 18 significance of vulcanicity to human activities, below are the negative significance.

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  1. Volcanic eruption causes the loss of both human and animal lives.
  2. Vulcanic eruption may also lead to destruction of properties, i.e buildings, transport networks, and more.
  3. Lava flow may bury minerals
  4. It may also result into emission of poisonous gases that may result into death.
  5. It causes tsunamis/sea waves that may drown coastland or island.
  6. The leeward side of volcanic mountains may experience shadow effects on the leeward side hence causing dryness which will discourage agriculture.
  7. Volcanic features like volcanic mountains, may create barrier to transport and communication hence making it expensive.
  8. Volcanic landscape form rugged nature which discourage settlement and agriculture.
  9. Lava flow may also cover agricultural land
  10. Eruption of volcanic ash and dust into the atmosphere may affect air transport.
18 significance of vulcanicity

Final Word

The above are our 18 Significance of vulcanicity to human activities. You can share your views on the comment section and in case you need help in geography and mathematics. You can find us in our email address

10 effects of earthquakes to human activities

10 effects of earthquakes to human activities, compiled here. Earthquake is a sudden and rapid movement, shaking, trembling of the earth’s crust caused by shock waves that originate below the surface of earth. Earthquakes have different sizes from the weak ones to those that are violent enough to affect human lives. Mild earthquakes are referred to as tremors. We have a number of effects of earthquakes as follows.

10 effects of earthquakes to human activities

Let’s go through the 10 effects of earthquake as follows with some of the real life examples. Below are our, 10 effects of earthquakes to human activities.

Destroy buildings

This is a common problem we had to include in our list of 10 effects of earthquakes to human activities. Earthquakes may make buildings to collapse. Normally, buildings are investments of people and also give shelter to human beings. Therefore, when the buildings are destroyed, it’ll affect human beings life. Many will loss their shelters and investments after the damage of those buildings.

10 effects of earthquakes to human activities
Image from Google.

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Damage infrastructure

When we talk about infrastructure, we talk about roads, water pipelines, gas lines, oil pipelines, and more others. When oil pipelines are broken, it may make oil to spill on the environment. Oil spills may lead to contamination of water and soils. Brocken gas lines may make gas to escape and can cause fire outbreak and explosions.

10 effects of earthquakes, image showing damaged infrastructure.

Loss of lives

The world have experienced several earthquakes over the years as thousands of lives have been lost. A good example is the earthquake that occurred in Turkey and Syria on 6th February 2023. The earthquake had a death toll surpassing 50,000 individuals. It is absolutely one of the 10 effects of earthquakes to human activities.

Restricts the development of towns

This is another great effect of earthquake. We have towns that have gone down in terms of development due to earthquakes. When an earthquake occurs in a town, a number of buildings and infrastructure will be destroyed hence limiting more buildings to be built. Besides that, a lot of resources and money is used to rebuild infrastructure and buildings that have been initially destroyed by earthquakes. Some investors may also avoid towns prone to earthquakes.

Turkey- Syria earthquake

May trigger landslide and rockslides

When large rocks and part of the earth situated uphill are subjected into earthquakes. They may be forced to dislodge and roll down to the valleys. Rockslides and landslides cause death and destroy properties downstream.

Trigger tsunamis

Surely, one of the most hazardous effect of earthquakes are tsunamis. Tsunamis mostly come about when earthquakes occur in oceans, sea, and other large water bodies. One of the most popular tsunami that occurred in the world is in 11th march 2011. That tsunami was experienced in the coast of Japan and it claimed lives of about 18000 individuals.

May cause fire

Earthquakes may also lead to fire outbreak. Normally, fires are linked to brocken electrical and gas lines. Earthquake may break electric and gas lines which may lead to fire outbreak. Moreover, the earthquake may also destroy water pipes which will limit the supply of water to extinguish the fire.

10 effects of earthquakes, image showing fire outbreak.
Fire outbreak after an earthquake

Can result into floods

Earthquakes of high magnitude may make dam walls to crack. Thereafter, the dams may collapse after sometimes making water to flow into the nearby areas hence resulting into floods.

Leads to liquefaction

Liquefaction is a process where the soils become saturated hence loosing it’s strength. Loosely packed Sediments with high water content may be subjected to constant shaking hence loosing their strength. When liquefaction occurs, it may make buildings and structures on liquefied soils to collapse or sink in the ground. An example of liquefaction is the earthquake in 1692, Jamaica. The earthquake resulted into devastation of Port Royal town. It is absolutely one of the 10 effects of earthquakes to human activities.

Raise or lower the sea level

This is also one of the 10 effects of earthquakes to human activities. Earthquakes may lead to displacement of sea flow hence lowering or may even rise the sea level. When sea level is lowered or raised, it may result to either emergence or submergence of coasts respectively.

Final word

The above are the 10 effects of earthquakes to human activities. Some places have experienced strong earthquakes earthquakes that really affected the lives of many. However, minor earthquakes or tremors have no dangerous effects. You can also share your views on the comment section.

12 solutions to aridity and desertification

12 solutions to aridity and desertification, compiled here. Aridity is the state of land being deficient in moisture, therefore leading to scanty vegetation or no vegetation at all. It is common in regions that receive rainfall below 250mm every year. Such areas have total evaporation exceeding the amount of precipitation received.

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On the other hand, desertification is the steady and slow encroachment of large areas of barren land covered with sand onto formerly productive agricultural land. Aridity and desertification have several causes as follows;

12 solutions to aridity and desertification.
Image from Google.

Causes of aridity and desertification

insufficient rainfall


relief barriers

Human activities and more.

12 Solutions to aridity and desertification

Here, we are going to look at the 12 solutions to Aridity and desertification. The solutions are as follows;

Image of aridity and desertification
  1. Afforestation and reforestation programmes. This will help to prevent soil erosion and improve catchment area through evapotranspiration.
  2. Controlling livestock numbers in drought prone areas/ controlling grazing/adopting zero grazing/ organized ranching.
  3. Irrigating the dry lands.
  4. Introducing energy saving technology to minimize overreliance on wood fuel hence reduce deforestation.
  5. Opting to alternative energy sources like water and solar which won’t pollute the environment.
  6. Setting up laws and legislation against industrial emissions in order to control it.
  7. Introduce suitable farming methods or growing of crops that are drought resistant.
  8. Adoption of soil conservation measures like contour ploughing, terracing, planting cover crops and more.
  9. water efficient technology; the water efficient technology can be promoted in industries, households, and agriculture. They include, drip irrigation, water-efficient appliances, low-flow faucets and more. This will help to reduce water consumption hence combat Aridity.
  10. Desalination ; desalination technology like distillation, and reverse osmosis can help to convert water from saltwater into freshwater. Therefore, providing offering an alternative water source for arid regions situated near coastal areas.
  11. Education and awareness ; awareness on the importance of suitable water practices, water conservation, as well as impact of aridity can help to encourage change of behaviour.
  12. International co-operation; this can be achieved through co-operation international organizations and neighbouring countries. Moreover, a country can also co-operate with experts in water conservation and management. This will help in sharing knowledge, technology transfer, and joining hands to address the issue of aridity and desertification from regional to global scale.

Final word

The above are the 12 solutions to aridity and desertification. You can share your views on the comment section. In case you need more help, you can reach us in the email address

12 significance of folding to human activities

12 Significance of folding, compiled here. Folding is the bending of Crustal rocks either upwards or downwards due to compressional force. Before taking you through our 12 Significance of folding. Below are some of the features resulting from folding:

Features resulting from folding

Ridge and valley landscape

Synclinal valley Rolling planes

Inter-mountain plateau

Fold mountains

Those are some of the examples of features formed from folding. Let us now get to the 12 Significance of folding below. Positive significance of folding In our list of 12 Significance of folding, I will begin with the positive significance as follows;

12 significance of folding
Image from

Positive significance

1) Folding results to formation beautiful sceneries. For example, snow capped mountains attract tourists hence earning the country foreign exchange.

2) Fold mountains may act as water catchment/sources of water hence providing water for domestic use/irrigation/industrial use.

3) The windward slopes of fold mountains receive a lot of rainfall that enhances agricultural activities.

4) Folding process exposes valuable minerals like petroleum and coal. Therefore, it makes mining easier and reduces the cost of mining.

5) Through metamorphism process, folding leads to formation of valuable minerals. The valuable minerals can be sold to earn the country foreign exchange.

6) Fold mountains are often forested. The forest provide timber for building and construction/ wildlife habitat/ aesthetic/ medicinal.

Must read significance-of-faulting-to-human-activities/

The above are our positive significance of folding in this list of 12 significance of folding. Let’s now take a look at the negative significance of folding.

Feature formed from folding

Negative significance of folding

1) The leeward slopes of fold mountains create rain shadow effects resulting into aridity. Therefore, this will discourage crop farming/agriculture due to low rainfall.

2) Folded landscape leads to rugged terrain which discourage settlement since it’s expensive and difficult to construct houses on such landscape.

3) Features resulting from folding may act as barriers to transport and communication. Generally, it is difficult and expensive to construct roads and communication lines on rugged terrain.

4) Fold mountains may create fog conditions which may reduce visibility hence leading to aircraft accidents.

5) Folding process may lead to burying of some valuable minerals hence making exploitation difficult.

6) Folding may lead to fracturing of rocks, hence resulting to earthquakes or volcanic activities which may result to destruction of properties and loss of life.

12 significance of folding to human activities

Final Word

Those are our 12 significance of folding in human activities. You can share your views on comments. We have teacher/experts in geography and mathematics you can reach us via our email address for more information.

15 significance of faulting to human activities

15 significance of faulting to Human activities. Faulting is one of the internal land forming processes taught in geography. I will be taking you through the significance of faulting to human activities. Before that, you have to know the meaning of faulting. What is faulting Faulting is the cracking or fracturing of the brittle crustal rocks due to tectonic forces (tensional and compressional). Faults are cracks or fractures that develop in the crust when subjected to tectonic forces.

Image showing faulting process.

Features resulting from faulting

1) Fault scarp / escarpments

2) Block mountain /Horst / fault blocks

3) Rift valley

4) Tilt blocks

5) Fault steps

The above are some of the features formed through the process of faulting.

Now let’s see the 15 significance of faulting and how those features formed affect human activities.

15 significance of faulting and features formed to human activities

Below are the positive and negative significance of faulting and it’s features to human activities.

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15 significance of faulting to human activities.

Positive significance

  • Faulting leads to formation of features like Horst mountains and Rift valley that form beautiful sceneries. The beautiful sceneries will attract tourists, hence earning the country foreign exchange which will support the countries economy.
  • Faulting will lead to formation of lakes that will act as sources of water for both domestic and industrial use.
  • It will also lead to displacement of rocks, therefore exposing minerals that are mined.
  • Faulting leads to formation of block mountains that receive rain on the windward side. The rain will then give rise to rivers that will provide water for domestic, agricultural, and industrial use, also may generate H.E.P in presence of waterfalls.
  • Faulting creates deep faults which may act as passage for steam jets. The steam jets may be utilized to produce geothermal power.
  • The block mountains resulting from faulting may receive heavy rains on the windward side. The rains may encourage growth of dense forest which provide timber for building and construction.
  • When faulting occurs across a ridge, it may provide a dip which could form a mountain pass where transport and communication lines can be constructed.
  • Faulting leads to formation of fault scarps where springs occur at the foot of fault scarps, attracting settlements.
  • Vertically faulting across a river may cause a waterfall which may be used to generate H.E.P

The above positive significance are among our list of 15 significance of faulting to human activities. Now let’s look at the negative significance of faulting.

Negative significance

  • Subsidence of the land due to faulting may lead to loss of lives as well as destruction of properties.
  • Faulting may change direction of rivers or even make them disappear. This may interfere with agriculture to farmers who depend on those rivers.
  • Faulting will result to uneven land surfaces as a result of faults, therefore disrupting transport and communication networks.
  • It may change the river direction hence causing floods downstream.
  • Fault lines are centres of earthquakes that may lead to loss of lives and destruction of properties.
  • It leads to formation of Horst mountains that receive low rainfall on leeward side, hence discourage agriculture.

The above is our 15 significance of faulting to human activities. You can comment your views below. We also have teachers in geography, in case of any problem. You can feel free to reach us via our email, we can also teach on map work. Our email is