Not pregnant, other reasons why your periods may delay

Welcome to, we are going to give you a brief report on possible reasons why your periods may not be witnessed on the expected time. We have also recommended some useful food remedies for missed periods.

Reasons for period delay

1. Pregnancy – this is the common reasons why periods delay. Most of the times, people with delay period are advised to take pregnant test. But you may find negative results after testing for pregnancy. Therefore, the following are other reasons for delayed period.

2. Stress- You might be stressed out but take a deep breath. In case you have been stressed by something and now experiencing delayed periods. Then that might be a reason for your delayed periods, so if not check other reasons below.

3. Sudden loss of weight- you might loss weight because of stress, disease, or more. Loss of weight may lead to delayed periods.

6. Menopause

7. Being overweight

8. Too much exercise

9. Use of contraceptives

10. Missing periods for 10 days

11. Polycystic ovary syndrome

Sometimes women may miss periods for 1 or 2 days, that’s normal. However, some may miss periods for 10 days or weeks. Missing periods should not be always considered as a cause of alarm, but it may be as a result of chemical pregnancy to some cases. That’s according to experts.

When you expect your periods

If you are free from any condition, expect your periods within 35 to 38 days from the last period, It depends with your cycle. In case it has passed this time by a few days, then the periods are considered late.

Foods to take when the periods delay

1.Ginger-very important to your health


3.Unripe papaya- unripe papaya in your diet may improve your periods.

4. Parsley

5. Aloe Vera

6. Tumeric

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